Category: Uncategorized

  • Go Into the Beauty

    I moved to a beautiful place to start my new life a few years ago. While I was not fully ready to embrace a new life yet, I found the beauty around me to be balm for my soul. I started observing plants, animals and insects with a new light; I was observing the beautiful… Read more

  • Loss and Transformation

    I am terrified of loss. It seems odd to me since I have experienced a lot of loss in my life, and because it is part of the human experience. I have heard that when trees die, there is sadness in the forest, but the sadness is magnified when the dead tree’s trunk is removed.… Read more

  • Feral

    I am not for everyoneBut maybe I am for youBecause you are hereAnd I am hereLetting you see meI am wild!I cannot promise that I will beQuietCompliantOr convenientI will not be what you want me to beBut I will share with you perspectives that you may not have seen beforeI will tell you about the… Read more

  • Plastic World

    I was recently informed by a naturopath that I have a build-up of plastics and plasticizers in my body. While he is an amazing practitioner and has a process to help with detoxing, it has me astonished about how a body and mind made for a natural world can be so constantly bombarded by all… Read more

  • Labradorite

    I have heard that there are cultures that revere peacocks, because peacocks can eat poison without experiencing harm. Instead, they transform it into their beautiful feathers. There are times when I’ve wished that I could be a peacock. In a recent phase of my life, the world was not safe for me. My life was… Read more

  • My Father’s Obituary

    My father died at the end of October this last year. He was homeless and penniless at the time of his death, and he was living with his drug addicted ex-wife at the home of one of her friends. He did not accept help from his friends or family but insisted on his own way,… Read more

  • Omen

    At the end of my old life but before beginning my new life, I had a vivid dream. I was an onlooker to a funeral that may have been my own and I was sitting away from the crowd on a bench in a grand corridor. There were many trees and greenery, and there were… Read more